- Graduation Thesis University of Padova from March 2001 to March 2002 (Prof. Paolo Scrimin, department of chemistry: “Synthesis and characterization of gold nanoparticles functionalised with fullerene derivatives”. Work inserted in the nanotechnologies and new materials science. The aim of the project was to achieve new materials with non-linear optic proprieties. For this reason, gold nanoparticles protected with a monolayer of water-soluble thiols were synthesized and functionalised with fullerene derivatives.
- Apprenticeship of 4 months, at the University of Padova April-July 2002 (Prof. Giorgio
Palù, Dr. Cristiano Salata, Department of Histology, Micro-Biology, and Medical Biotechnologies): Worked with the basic techniques of molecular biology (mammalian cell cultures, plasmid DNA isolation, transfection of eukaryotic cells, purification of total RNA, RT-PCR analysis and sequencing).
- Doctoral Research at the University of Frankfurt from March 2003 to April 2007 (Prof.
Dr. Michael Göbel, Institute for Organic Chemistry and Chemical Biology): “Synthesis of Site-Specific Artificial Ribonucleases”. Work developed with the purpose to obtain specific artificial ribonucleases with possible applications in a gene specific therapy and as tools for molecular biology. With this aim a synthetic RNase was attached to different specific RNA ligands (to 5’ of DNA sequences, in the middle of DNA sequences, to PNA, to small peptides) and other aspects of the RNA cleavage (cooperativity in cleavage) and evolution (nonenzymatic RNA polymerisation) were taken in consideration.
- Post-Doc University of Montreal from April 2007 to August 2009 (Prof. Jeffrey W. Keillor and Prof. Joelle N. Pelletier, Department of Chemistry). The goal of the project is the engineering of the transglutaminase (TGase). This enzyme catalyzes the formation of peptidic bonds between lysine and glutamine. The modification of its specificity, it will permit the economic catalysis and convenient formation of peptidic bonds between a wide range of synthetic substrates.
- Visitor at the University of Verona since May 2008 (Prof. Henriette Molinari,
Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Science). The project's aim is to investigate the effects of macromolecular crowding on the macromolecular compactness and protein folding. This has been assessed monitoring the folding behaviour, by NMR spectroscopy, in presence of differently cross-linked polyethylene glycol, as crowding agent, and urea as denaturant.
- Adjunct Professor of Organic Chemistry, holding the theoretical course of organic chemistry for the biotechnology students; Professor of the organic chemistry laboratory, for the biotechnology students; Professor of the organic chemistry laboratory, for the Viticultural and Oenological Science and Technology students, University of Verona.
- Group assistant in chemistry laboratory for medicine students at Frankfurt University:
Lectured the experiments theory and corrected the homework, demonstrated techniques and assisted students in everyday laboratory routines.
- Adjunct Professor of Organic Chemistry, holding the theoretical course of organic chemistry for the biotechnology students; Professor of the organic chemistry laboratory, for the biotechnology students; Professor of the organic chemistry laboratory, for the Viticultural and Oenological Science and Technology students, University of Verona.
- Laboratory Professor of Organic Chemistry, 2010-2011 Viticultural and Oenological Science and technology degree courses, University of Verona.
- Titular of Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology and Hygiene at the Professional Institute “Stefani-bentegodi” Isola della scala Verona (Italy).
- Gnaccarini, C., Peter, S., Scheffer, U., Vonhoff, S., Klussmann, S., Göbel, M. W.: Site Specific Cleavage of RNA by a Metal Free Artificial Nuclease Attached to Antisense Oligonucleotides. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 8063-8067.
- Gnaccarini, C., Ben-Tahar, W., Lubell, W. D., Pelletier, J. N. and Keillor, J. W.: Fluorometric assay for tissue transglutaminase-mediated transamidation activity. Bioorgan. Med. Chem., 2009, 17, 6354-6359.
- Gnaccarini, C., Ben-Tahar, W., Mulani, A., Roy, I., Lubell, W. D., Pelletier J. N., Keillor J. W.: Site-specific protein propargylation using tissue transglutaminase Org. Biomol. Chem., 2012, 10, 5258–5265.
- Member of ENDEVAN “European Network on the Development of Artificial Nucleases” From March 2003 to February 2004.
- Member of SFB 579-A3 “Zufall und Design: komplementäre Wege zu neuen RNA-Liganden” (Coincidence and Design: complementary manners for new RNA ligands) From July 2004 to April 2007.
- Member of COST D27 “Etiology, Replication, Activity and Persistence of RNA” from September 2005 to April 2007.
Winner of the best organic chemistry presentation.• Evolving the Specificity of Transglutaminase: New Assays for Screening Mutant Libraries presented at the 11th Annual Chemistry & Biochemistry Graduate Research Conference 21-22 November, 2008 Montréal, Canada.
- From 2013-2016 volunteer of Lega Ambiente.
- From 2013-2016 volunteer of Libera: association against all the mafias, as volunteer I have partecipated to a camp in Polistena (Calabria), where I worked as volunteer in a farm confiscated to Ndrangheta. I have promoted meeting and initiatives for the developement of legacy.
- Actvity as first aid volunteer in the Croce Verde as ausiliary 2014-15.
Foreign Languages Abilities
- Italian as mother language, English, French and German.